Gangstar Vegas - mafia game‏

Gangstar Vegas - mafia game

 Gangstar Vegas is a minute-long action game set on the streets of Sin City.

 This is the fourth in Gameloft's GTA-style open world game series and the largest in the world to date. Sin City In Gangstar Vegas you are the professional fighter annoying a crime boss and you have to run for his life before he gets his back.It's an old story, and  the way the story is presented in Gangstar Vegas has a bit of authenticity. The character of the main  character feels a bit wacky and the script is cliche (although some of the characters seem pretty funny).

Gangstar Vegas - mafia game


However, that doesn't mean  Gangstar Vegas isn't fun, quite the opposite. The game world in Gangstar Vegas is huge, unbelievable, it is 9 times larger than in the previous game Gangstar Rio. There are 80 different missions to complete. 

Overall, they vary greatly in terms of gameplay, from prize fights to chasing villains on foot to participating in street races.There are many challenges in Gangstar Vegas where you can compete against others on the online leaderboards. 

Gangstar Vegas' Quick Play mode lets you take part in unique challenges such as Heis 

Melee, Survival, and Time Trial. Being able to dive  in and play in this way is great, especially if you haven't been in the game for a long time and want to brush up on your skills before heading back to the main story. 

Vegas mode is a lot of fun, whether it's chasing  down baddies. lower the bar at high speeds or play blackjack in casinos to win more money. As you play you will only realize how much exploration there is in Gangstar Vegas and the level of detail in the game world is 

 impressive.There are many weapons to collect and upgrade in Gangstar Vegas, including pistols, grenades, Molotov cocktails, flamethrowers and baseball bats. The store also allows you to change up your look with new clothes, 

a haircut, or even a squirrel mask! Of course you can also buy cars  and the choice is very diverse,  from scooters and motorbikes to monster trucks and tanks. Hit the Streets The controls in Gangstar Vegas are the same as in previous versions of the game.You walk  with an on-screen d-pad and there are action buttons for throwing, shooting and interacting with objects. 

The steering controls can be set up in whatever way is easiest for you, allowing you to choose between tilt, arrow, or stick-based controls. 

what's cool is that you can choose different control systems for cars and bikes, 

so you can use arrow-based steering for cars and tilt  for bikes if you want. There is a city map everywhere showing you where the quests are located and  various points of interest. You can generally jump straight into a mission in Gangstar Vegas without having to drive to the starting point, which is easy.A mini-map shows your current location in the corner of the screen. 

The graphics of Gangstar Vegas are very good and rival those of the mobile versions of GTA III or Vice City. 

The city of Las Vegas comes to life in incredible detail and immerses you in history

. The animations are great too, and the subtle ragdoll effects make performing stunts a real thing. There are occasional graphical glitches like most massive games like this, 

but not enough to detract from the overall experience.The characters look good, although the voice acting is missing in some places. 

Note that obscene language and mature themes pollute the dialogue, so Gangstar Vegas is definitely not kid-friendly and will be rated accordingly. Like GTA, Gangstar Vegas has a car radio and the station list seems to be heavily influenced by the Rockstar game series. 

There are some quality licensed tunes out 

there that have something for everyone.

By : Shamkh
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